As ICDAS many activities and works have taken place and continue to take place to increase the living quality of society, to improve education and training opportunities along with living standards, and to determine the needs within the framework of social awareness and make improvements.

ICDAS, who has always been aware of its responsibilities, whether they are environmental, cultural or economic, has taken on a leadership role with the support it has given to the social responsibility projects within the region.  

In 2006 ICDAS established an Elementary School in the  İSTANBUL Bağcılar region with 32 classrooms and a capacity for 1200 students, an Industry Vocational Training High School  building with 16 classrooms in the Çanakkale Biga region,  and in 2008 an Elementary school with 8 classrooms was built in Kemer Village which is connected to the Biga region.  

ICDAS also provides sponsorship support to the Çanakkale female volleyball team and Karabiga ICDAS football team who have represented Çanakkale with success in many international leagues, along with other amateur sports teams.

With the aim of enabling our youths to meet with the sea and sports all managing costs are met by ICDAS and every summer training has been provided to 160 children between the ages of 7-15 in the branches of Sailing and Swimming within the structure of ICDAS SPORTS club. ICDAS SPORTS club which encourages youths to be involved in the sports of Sailing and Swimming in our country which is surrounded by the sea on three sides has not only awarded the national team with sportsmen by training Turkish champions in these sports branches, but has also contributed to the representation of Çanakkale in national and international competitions.  

In addition to this, unconditional bursaries are awarded to a total of 270 high school students and higher education students who have been successful in their education.  Our company also contributes to the higher education foundations within the region and gives support to libraries, training and meeting halls, laboratories and other substructures.  

In the subject area of the cultural values of Çanakkale being highlighted and presented for universal sharing; the Parion Antique City excavations taking place in the Biga-Kemer village by the Ataturk University Archeology Department with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the archeological excavations continuing in the holy region of Ezine Gülpınar Apollon-Smintheion by the Ankara Language, History and Geography Faculty are happening with the sponsorship of  ICDAS.

The historical artifacts which have been discovered due to the excavations are long term contributions to the presentation of Çanakkale and its value as a touristic destination, and is an opportunity for Çanakkale to benefit from the increasing touristic movement in the region.